February 8, 2011

Eggs & Spinach Love

I'm going through an eggs-and-spinach phase. Here are pictures of meals I've cooked over the past three weeks using variations of the same ingredients. 

Breakfast: fried egg, sauteed spinach and orange wedges.

Dinner (or was it lunch?): fried egg, sauteed spinach and Vegemite toast. Thanks Meg for introducing me to my new favourite savory snack.

Dinner: poached egg, sauteed tomatoes, onions and spinach, egg noodles and grated Parmigiano Reggiano.

Brunch: poached eggs, toasted Squirrely bread, grated Parmigiano Reggiano and my new essential for brunch, Teh Tarik. It tastes like hot Bubble Tea! (Which is probably a silly thing to say because I'm certain Teh Tarik is the drink from which Bubble Tea originated.)

Just as klutzy as I was as a kid.

I love meals that create minimal dishes.

PS. Yes, those are steak knives for the steaks I rarely eat and never cook. Slightly overboard for eggs, perhaps, but I like 'em!