March 11, 2011

Fridays are for Inspiration: Chez Larsson

Chez Larsson is another blog I enjoy daily as you can see on my Bookmarks Bar.

Colleagues and I were joking recently that our homes are always at their cleanest during report card writing time because cleaning and organizing is how we procrastinate writing them. Thanks to Benita's blog, there is inspiration galore to serve as procrastination for many term's worth of report card writing. All joking aside, what I love most about her is her just-get-'er-done attitude. One day I will maintain a home as neat, minimal and functional as hers.

Since discovering Chez Larsson,

I store sprinkles upside down just like her
I went hammer crazy one Sunday morning to use every inch of space just like her.

I use white to maintain visual serenity just like her (this is non-kitchen related inspiration) at home...

and at work (minus one very special pink binder).

I keep my Marthas and purge all other mags, just like her.
Thanks for the inspiration Benita!