March 29, 2011

Whipped Salted Caramel Ganache Icing

March has been a month of many birthdays so I've been auditioning a few icing recipes. This is a Whipped Salted Caramel Ganache Icing I tried and love. It starts as an angsty, moody, emo ganache (I hear You Oughta Know),

and after a pound of butter and a little dance to Whip It,

it morphs into Fun! Happy! Wholesome! icing. The music changes to the Reading Rainbow theme song and I feel like a kid when I spoon this.

But wait! Piping it all pretty-like and sprinkling fleur de sel on top adds a grown up touch to the finished ensemble. Now I hear I Gotta Feeling. More for older folks but young ones can still enjoy the good dance beat just like they can still enjoy this treat.

Notes and Recipes
- this icing is a hybrid of two recipes 

Caramel with Salt
- omit the sour cream
- add an additional 1 C whipping cream to the caramel 

Whipped Caramel Ganache
- use salted caramel (recipe above) to melt the chocolate